Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by means of a computer, a graphics tablet and software.

                What Does a Digital Painter Do? 

Digital painters work with 2D drawn animation, 2D computer animation, and 3D digital computer animation

They add color to images created by animators and work as part of a team consisting of compositors, color key artists, scanners, and color stylists

Iam here to introduce the future world famous digital painting artist Leisha Mukherjee 

Leisha Mukherjee is currently studing 1st year university in Oxford!!

she was born in the month of november a special month indeed Karnataka rajyotsava is celebrated in the month of november and for sure one day she will bring a great name to our Karnataka with her abundance of talent

shes a multitalented girl who is a singer come painter come dancer come guitarist etc etc 

what she thinks and writes about a topic is beyond imagination she is an all rounder with never gie up attitide 

and most important thing is that she is an introvert ✌ and a food lover too 

click on the above video to watch her beautiful voice !!

here are the best of best digital paintings of our future celebrity


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